I am so not good at keeping up with this. But when you have so many uneventful days in a row it seems pointless to talk about it, but maybe every couple days. Ben is still off till friday. Monday we attempted to go out to the beach. When we left the house it was beautiful outside but by the time we got to Hickam's beach, Yes the base has its own beautiful beach, it was down pouring. The most rain I have seen here yet. So we detoured and went to try out a new sushi place we have discovered. Its called Kuru Kuru. It was pretty good. Alot like Genki Sushi. See you need to understand that sushi here isn't like on the mainland. It's more traditional Japanses style suhi with not alot of sauce and very plain. At this place the sushi goes by on a conveor belt and you pick what you like. Each plate has a color on it that indicates how much it is. And the portions are alot small which is a very good thing for us. After Sushi we went and got a pearl tapioca drink at the nex mart. By the time we got done with that it was still pretty rainy and therefore didn't end up going to the beach.
Yesterday we got up and headed to the beach. We stayed for about 1 1/2 hours. And again, I got pink. This time i sat in my chair and read and tried to tan my front side to catch up with how dark my back got.